That's drizzle . . . not drivel--

Simply living... in the Pacific Northwest

Thursday, July 7, 2011

On My Mind today...

The first pint of raspberries are in the freezer, so it must finally be summer. Although today is quite chilly. I wonder whether we will get a true summer here or not this year!

I have an abundance of chives and parsley. I made a very nice chopped herb-garlic-olive oil marinade for some delicious pink tomatoes I bought at the Farmers Market last Saturday. It was great, but our breath---OMG!

I lost three pounds this past week on Weight Watchers. This is my major challenge this year. I hope to be down at least three sizes by the time we travel to Florida next May. I think it is a reasonable goal, but I'll need to be very diligent.

Here are some parsley pictures--such a pretty green!


Tied, and --


At the WW meeting, the topic of the lecture was "realizing dreams." The speaker encouraged us to think about our dreams and how we go about making them come about (goals). I was a bit stunned to begin with, as I could not identify a personal dream. The last goal I set for myself and accomplished was earning my Bachelor's degree. Seven years ago! The related dream was working in public information-public relations in the health care field.

Well, then the bottom fell out of the economy and my dream was dashed by every out-of-work journalist fleeing downsizing newspapers and flooding the job force. Subsequent layoffs in the government sector have diminished hopes of ever realizing that dream of spreading the gospel of public health to my community. Non-profits employ established and tenured reporters and editors who used to work for dailies.

I am happy where I've landed, but the speaker challenges me to look inside and figure out if there are dreams I'm too distracted by daily life to dream. The only challenging goal I work toward right now is the weight control. So....of what do I dream now? What do YOU dream, reader?


  1. I dream for my husband and I a chance to have our cottage in the woods and his and her workshops to express our creative sides. And to have health insurance once again.

  2. Dreaming and working toward goals is so important. My dreams are unattainable right now (to have a homestead and to cross the USA on a bicycle) but I know I have to be prepared for them so I ride alot and I am trying to learn the skills needed to have a successful farm/homestead. I learn so much and have fun experimenting...and I get a lot of good exercise in. Life is great because I am having fun working toward my dreams.

    I hope you are able to figure out what it is you want and to throw yourself into it...don't be afraid of failure.

  3. Maybe a wonderful daily life IS your dream, one that is not recognised by your lecturer. My dream is to hold my soon to be born grandson. Then, like you, I'll go back to my daily life where small goals like making soap when I say I'll do it, make up my life.

  4. hey, thanks for this's been awhile since I asked myself that question. worth thinking about, especially because I can't come up with anything just now. how sad is that?!

  5. I feel like we're living the dream at the moment. Although if pressed, my dream is to move closer to the ocean again

  6. I've come over to 'visit' from Rhonda Jean's blog.
    I like the way you've made the best with what you have and listing small goals/steps to take. I'm a bit like 'Hear Mum Roar', I'm pretty content with what I have now but as a retiree I guess I dream of having grandchildren some day...

  7. It's good to be challenged to think even when we are happy with what we have.

  8. Hi there :)

    I found you through the 'Down to Earth' link-up :)
    Your parsley looks delicious. And good luck with the weight loss!

    As for my dreams: I've love to turn my creativity into my career. I write songs, love blogging and do a fair bit of writing on the side but none of these are actually my day job. I guess my biggest dream is recording a studio album with my best songs. That would be wonderful!

    Have a great weekend!
    This Good Life

  9. I think that's a really interesting issue - the balance between being content and striving. I'm very happy with my life now (it's pretty much a dream life) so I want to enjoy that, but I also want to keep working to make things even more meaningful for my family and I. This is my first visit here - lovely site!!

  10. BEAUTIFUL parsley. Sometimes I think dreams are clues that guide us through life. I am caught up in the daily now too. So each time I feel the inkling of a dream (starting my own shop, becoming a householding goddess, etc...) I note it, send up a prayer, journal it and continue living into them as much as I can.

  11. Thank you for commenting, Willo. Nice perspective. I wish I had a dollar for all my well-intended attempts to journal. I guess this blog is as close as I come. Hither and yon around my house I have a lot of journals with the first few pages complete.

  12. Tiff:0) Thank you for the gift of your encouragement. I hope someday we all read about your bike ride! What a great dream! --Kay
